Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Diy: Make your own tinted moisturizer

Making your own tinted moisturizer is simple and easy and takes really little time and products.

What you need:
1.Liquid foundation
2. Moisturizer

As simple as that sound here are the steps you take,to get the finished product nice and quick and super easy.

1. Start with moisturizer, I pump 2 or 3 times because I want to moisturize more than conceal but if you want to conceal a bit more go with an even amount of both.

2. Now add foundation, If you want more coverage like I said add more foundation than moisturizer.

3. You now just mix and apply and get flawless looking steps you can do this with remains of the product and the amount will be bigger and it won't be wasted instead of buying a whole new product save money for something else.

And you can do this for fun in your free time, Quick and Easy steps to an amazing result.
This is one of my fave Diy products cause it helps save money time and energy.
And you can do it at home using your OWN products. Not only does it sound great but still very easy.
I hope this was helpful and you try it out!



  1. i ´ll be back soon to read more !

    nice blog.


  2. aw this is such a helpful and cute tip! Will def try this!! Thank you love!

    cute blog btw!



  3. Thankyou I followed back amazing blog!

  4. Really interesting DIY, I will defiantly tray this one of these days, I love trying new stuff! Your blog is lovely and I'm a new follower! Hope you'll like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
